Q. dead drive

have you tried deleting the drive and letting Windows re-install it? That should force Windows to install everything it needs for the CD.

That won't fix all the other programs and partitions though. You may have to do a repair install of Windows, or re-install the earlier clone and not clean up quite as much

To delete it from Windows, open control panel, then the system icon, then look at the device manager on the hardware tab. Listed down the left will be CD/DVD ROM drives. You can just right click it and select uninstall.

The BIOS is a bit trickier, as it will vary depending on what version you have installed. But essentially you would enter the setup by pressing F1 (or possibly F2) when prompted at boot. In the setup you would look for the boot options. In particular, boot order. You can re-arrange the order how you like, if it doesn't find the first one, it will move to the next, and so forth. As long as the CD is before the hard drive, it should boot from CD. This is also where you would (maybe) see the option for a USB CD, but normally only if it was plugged in at the time you powered on.

Answer:- have you tried deleting the drive and letting Windows re-install it? That should force Windows to install everything it needs for the CD.

That won't fix all the other programs and partitions though. You may have to do a repair install of Windows, or re-install the earlier clone and not clean up quite as much

To delete it from Windows, open control panel, then the system icon, then look at the device manager on the hardware tab. Listed down the left will be CD/DVD ROM drives. You can just right click it and select uninstall.

The BIOS is a bit trickier, as it will vary depending on what version you have installed. But essentially you would enter the setup by pressing F1 (or possibly F2) when prompted at boot. In the setup you would look for the boot options. In particular, boot order. You can re-arrange the order how you like, if it doesn't find the first one, it will move to the next, and so forth. As long as the CD is before the hard drive, it should boot from CD. This is also where you would (maybe) see the option for a USB CD, but normally only if it was plugged in at the time you powered on.

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